Yi Youjin b. 1980
Born in Gangneung in 1980, Yi Youjin felt frustrated with the standardized education system while majoring in Korean painting at Sejong University, and after dropping out of college, she became attracted to German culture while visiting art galleries and universities in Europe. Yi studied painting at the Akademie der Wildenden Künste, Munich from 2004 to 2011 and completed her master's degree under the guidance of Günther Förg. Above all, her meeting with Gunther Förg had a significant impact on her artistic vision as well as her thinking about autonomous and voluntary life.
The concept of "Hinterground," as illuminated by Günther Förg, was a pivotal moment in her artistic development, prompting me to probe deeper into her Korean roots, pondering her identity and origins. Balancing the Korean sensibility inherent in Yi Youjin and the numerous external cultural influences among them was like a tightrope walk. Such inner dialogue influenced the creation of her visual language as an allegory. For in Yi Youjin, who is based in Munich even after graduation, placing herself in an environment where Eastern and Western cultures intersect for her artistic practice is the most important factor. Yi Youjin stands before her art as a mediator of two worlds, the East and the West, which intertwine within the fibers of Hanji and the weave of canvas.
Yi Youjin connects different worlds and creates dreamlike art rich in personal and universal narratives. The ambiguity of the motif arising from the fusion of drawing and painting is intentional and means a continuous pilgrimage to artistic development and self-discovery. Through this, it creates a visual language that can capture the complex layers of the artist's own identity and experiences. Yi's works explore the principles of painting and drawing, and concrete representation is only one aspect of a more complex composition. By entangling symbolic and figurative elements with various formal techniques of painting, such as the contrast between the foreground and the background, and the conversion between the inside and outside, it builds a space of possibility, not a space of restraint. In addition, it pursues 'blank beauty' by deliberately omitting details, which becomes a space for contemplation and interpretation.
Yi YoujinA Boy, 2020oil pastel, graphite, acrylic pen in paper18 x 25.5 cm
Yi YoujinAbbey Road, 2022oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas130 x 90 cm
Yi YoujinAbove of clouds, 2024contè, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinAdam and Eve, 2022charcoal on Korean paper mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinAffe, 2011oil on canvas115 x 110 cm
Yi YoujinAngel Riding Donkey, 2023acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas24 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinAscension, 2020color pencil, conté on korean paper16.5 x 23.5 cm
Yi YoujinAsymetrisch, 2017oil pastel, graphite, acrylic pen on
paper25.5 x 18 cm -
Yi YoujinBack to the Black, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas70 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinBadende, 2021oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas80 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinBat, 2021oil, oil pastel on
korean paper hanji /
mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm -
Yi YoujinBetween Light and Shadow, 2024acrylic, oil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinBird Attack, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on
korean paper hanji /
mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm -
Yi YoujinBirken, 2021oil, oil pastel on korean paper / mounted on canvas60 x 80 cm
Yi YoujinBlack Rabbit, 2023acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinBlauer Kopf, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on korean paper / mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinBlick, 2012oil on canvas120 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinBlindfold, 2020oil, oil pastel on canvas160 x 120 cm
Yi YoujinBlonde Lama, 2020lacquer, acrylic, polymer-clay44 x 12 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinBlue Background, 2017oil, acrylic, oil pastel on canvas240 x 190 cm
Yi YoujinBlue Goblin, 2020color pencil on korean paper16.5 x 25 cm
Yi YoujinBlue pearl, 2024acrylic, oil on Korean paper, mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinBodyguard, 2019oil, oil pastel on canvas250 x 195 cm
Yi YoujinBubble Bath, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite, charcoal, color pencil on korean paper / mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinBurrito, 2022oil, oil pastel, conte on canvas100 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinCamel, 2020oil pastel, pencil, acrylic pen on
paper18 x 25.5 cm -
Yi YoujinCat, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas70 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinChille, 2019oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic on korean paper23.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinCountry road , 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinCurtain, 2022oil, oil pastel on korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinDew drop, 2021oil, oil pastel on korean paper / mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinDragon, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on korean paper mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinDreaming Eye, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel, conte on Korean paper, mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinDreamy, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper/ mounted on canvas24 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinDrive, 2020oil, oil pastel, on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinEarthly Delights, 2022oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinEggs, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on Korean paper, mounded on canvas170 x 135 cm
Yi YoujinEggs on blue, 2023oil, oil pastel on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinEntwined, 2020charcoal, acrylic on Korean paper (Hanji)200 x 138 cm
Yi YoujinEnvironment, 2023graphite, conte, brush pen, oil pastel on paper18 x 25.5 cm
Yi YoujinEule unter die Kappe, 2019linoleum print15 x 10.5 cm
Yi YoujinFechtenmaske (black), 2019linoleum print21 x 15 cm (Ed 2/2)
Yi YoujinFelis Magnus Aurium, 2024ceramic17 x 15.5 x 30.5 (h) cm
Yi YoujinFels, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinFichten Maske, 2019charcoal on Korean paper200 x 135 cm
Yi YoujinFließendeWolken, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel, colored pen on canvas90 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinFloating, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper mounded on canvas100 x 135 cm
Yi YoujinFlower, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas70 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinFlowers , 2023acrylic, oil on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas130 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinFollower, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinForest Guardian, 2024ceramic12.5 x 12.5 x 19 (h) cm
Yi YoujinG5 Solar Storm, 2024acrylic, oil on Korean paper, mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinGeneration, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on korean paper / mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi Youjingerettet, 2017oil pastel and conte on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinGirl with glasses, 2023pen, brush pen, conte, oil pastel on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinGitter Sack, 2020oil pastel, coloured pencil, acrylic pen on paper25.5 x 18cm
Yi YoujinGold Strümpfe, 2020oil pastel, ballpoint pen on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinGrown, 2023pencil, conte, oil paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinGuardian of the tree of life, 2024oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinGull picking, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinHang out, 2020pastel, charcoal on korean paper
hanji200 x 140 cm -
Yi YoujinHängematte, 2013acrylic, oil on canvas230 x 190 cm
Yi YoujinHarvest, 2024conté, color pencils, oil
pastel on Korean paper34 x 23 cm -
Yi YoujinHaus Tier, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas140 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinHeat shimmer, 2021oil, oil pastel, colour pen,
graphite on korean paper
hanji / mounted on
canvas40 x 50cm -
Yi YoujinHiding Place, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper/mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinHirsch, 2019Graphit, Ölpastell auf koreanischem papier17 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinHug, 2024color pencil, brush pen, oil
pastel on paper36 x 25.5 cm -
Yi YoujinHügel, 2021oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas60 x 80 cm
Yi YoujinHyäne (black), 2019linoleum print21 x 15 cm (Ed 2/2)
Yi YoujinIm Nebel, 2022acrylic, oil, conté on korean paper/ mounted on canvas50 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinIn the center, there is light, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/mounted on canvas100 x 135 cm
Yi YoujinInsects in flower, 2021gemstone, lacquer, acrylic,
apoxie,iron, polymer-clay37 x 14.5 x 16 cm -
Yi YoujinKaktus, 2010acrylic on Korean paper155 x 107 cm
Yi YoujinKater, 2019oil, oil pastel on canvas240 x 190 cm
Yi YoujinKaulquappen, 2017conté, oil pastel, graphite on paper25 x 20 cm
Yi YoujinKiefer, 2017oil, graphite, oil pastel on Korean paper135 x 200 cm
Yi YoujinKoi in between, 2023oil, oil pastel on canvas50 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinKolibri, 2022acrylic oil, oil pastel on canvas160 x 200 cm
Yi YoujinKopftuch, 2021color pen, acrylic pen, oil pastel on paper18 x 25.5 cm
Yi Youjinkostüm, 2019linoleum print15 x 10.5cm (Ed 1/2)
Yi YoujinKrähe, 2017acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinKröte, 2021gold leaf, lacquer, acrylic, apoxie,
iron, polymer-clay32 x 12 x 15 cm -
Yi YoujinKuscheltier, 2020oil pastel, conté and acrylic pen on paper25.5 x 18cm
Yi YoujinLama, 2023oil on canvas100 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinLandschaft, 2021graphite, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas
70 x 50 cm -
Yi YoujinLebenstorte II, 2015acrylic, graphite on korean paper96 x 66 cm
Yi YoujinLebenstorte IV, 2015acrylic, graphite, wax pen on korean paper96 x 66 cm
Yi YoujinLeopard Sky, 2023acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinLicht, 2020oil, oil pastel on korean paper
mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm -
Yi YoujinLiving Room, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinLove Plant , 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinLöwenzahn, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinMerging with the Environment, 2024acrylic, oil oilpastel on canvas140 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinMigratory Being, 2023oil, oil pastel on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinMoonflowers, 2023oil, oil pastel on canvas70 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinNapping, 2024charcoal, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinNest, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinNocturne, 2024oil, oil pastel on canvas100 x 150 cm
Yi YoujinObserving the moon, 2024oil, oil pastel on canvas140 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinOctopus, 2020oil, oil pastel on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinOwl, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean
paper mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm -
Yi YoujinPart of Sex, 2021gemstone, lacquer, acrylic, apoxie,
iron, polymer-clay34.5 x 8 x 11.5 cm -
Yi YoujinPearl earring with girl, 2024acrylic, oil pastel, oil on canvas135 x 95 cm
Yi YoujinPearl Kette, 2024oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinPiggyback, 2017oil pastel, graphite, conté on paper18 x 25.5 cm
Yi YoujinPiggyback Ride, 2023oil, oil pastel on canvas70 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinPine Tree, 2024oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinPink poodle power, 2024oil, oil pastel on Korean paper, mounted on canvas24 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinPlants, 2020oil, acrylic, oil pastel on canvas180 x 160 cm
Yi YoujinPond, 2021oil, oil pastel, charcoal on korean paper / mounted on canvas24 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinPond, 2022oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinPropose, 2020contè, color pencil on korean paper18.5 x 23.5 cm
Yi YoujinPurple Curtain, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel, colored pencil on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas50 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinRibbons, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper/ mounted on canvas50 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinSaem, 2022acrylic, oil on korean paper/ mounted on canvas80 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinSandsturm, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on korean paper / mounted on canvas40 x 60 cm
Yi YoujinScharf, 2021oil, oil pastel, charcoal, color pencil on korean paper mounted on canvas98 x 130 cm
Yi YoujinSchlafende, 2007acrylic, Kohle auf koreanischen papier150 x 110 cm
Yi YoujinSchreck, 2020oil pastel, ballpoint pen, acrylic pen on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinSehnsucht, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/mounted on canvas60 x 90 cm
yi youjinSiesta, 2022oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinSilent Scream, 2022oil, oil pastel on canvas100 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinSinging, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper/ mounted on canvas50 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinSliver Moon, 2024colored pencil, oil pastel, oil on Korean paper Hanji / mounted on canvas24 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinSonnenschirm, 2024oil, oil pastel, graphite, on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinStorch, 2019graphite, charcoal, acrylic on korean paper18.5 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinStreifen, 2017pencil, oil pastel, acrylic pen on
paper18 x 25.5 cm -
Yi YoujinStuffed, 2023acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper mounted on canvas140 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinSunset, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinSurfer, 2012oil on canvas100 x 70 cm
Yi YoujinSwim Ring, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite
on korean paper hanji /
mounted on canvas24 x 30 cm -
Yi YoujinSwing, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm
Yi YoujinTaube, 2017oil, graphite, oil pastel on korean
paper135 x 100 cm -
Yi YoujinTaucher, 2017oil, graphite, oil pastel on Korean paper135 x 200cm
Yi YoujinTaucher, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinTeardrop, 2024conté, color pencils, oil
pastel on Korean paper25.5 x18 cm -
Yi YoujinTeiche, 2019oil, oil pastel, charcoal on Korean
paper105 x 135 cm -
Yi YoujinTesselierung, 2019acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas200 x 250 cm
Yi YoujinTesselierung (black), 2019linoleum print15 x 10.5 cm (Ed 1/2)
Yi YoujinThe inbetween, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas180 X 145 cm
Yi YoujinThin Line, 2023oil, oil pastel on Korean paper, mounted on canvas30 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinTiger Mask, 2019acrylic, oil on canvas190 x 240 cm
Yi YoujinTranquility, 2024acrylic, oil on canvas160 x 200 cm
Yi YoujinTraum von Gans (black), 2019linoleum print15 x 10.5 cm (Ed 3/5)
Yi YoujinTree, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel conté on korean paper/ mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinTwo Gray Circles, 2020oil, acrylic, oil pastel on canvas200 x 155 cm
Yi YoujinUmarmung, 2022charcoal on Korean paper/mounted on canvas70 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinUnder the waterfall , 2020oil pastel, graphite on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinUnder World, 2021charcoal on Korean paper Hanji200 x 138 cm
Yi YoujinUntited, 2020oil, oil pastel on korean paper
mounted on canvas40 x 30 cm -
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2016oil on canvas115 x 75 cm
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2017oil pastel, graphite on paper25.5 x18cm
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2019charcoal and oil pastel on korean
paper24.5 x 18 cm -
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2019oil pastel, charcoal, graphite acrylic on korean paper24 x 19 cm
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2020oil pastel, graphite on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2020charcoal, oil, oil pastel on korean paper Hanji200 x 138 cm
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2021oil pastel, graphite, charcoal
on korean paper hanji mounted on canvas60 x 40 cm -
Yi YoujinUntitled, 2021oil pastel, charcoal on Korean paper Hanji200 x 138 cm
Yi YoujinValley of the Shadow , 2024oil, oil pastel on canvas160 x 200 cm
Yi YoujinVeil of innocence, 2024ceramic11 x 13 x 21.5 (h) cm
Yi YoujinVentilatorgesicht (black), 2019linoleum print15 x 10.5 cm (Ed 1/2)
Yi YoujinVogelhaus, 2022oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinVulkan I, 2015graphite, acrylic, wax pen on korean paper96 x 66 cm
Yi YoujinVulkan III, 2015graphite, acrylic, wax pen on korean paper96 x 66 cm
Yi YoujinWaschraum, 2010oil, graphite, pen on canvas
150 x 115 cm -
Yi YoujinWasserbuhne, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite on canvas44 x 64 cm
Yi YoujinWassergespenster, 2017oil graphite, oil pastel on korean
paper135 x 200 cm -
Yi YoujinWatching, 2024color pen, oil pastel on
paper25.5 x 18 cm -
Yi YoujinWeeping Willow, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel, contéon Korean paper/mounted on canvas60 x 40 cm
Yi YoujinWeißer Feder, 2022acrylic, oil, oil pastel on korean paper mounted on canvas40 x 50 cm
Yi YoujinWhispering of the clouds, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on canvas200 x 160 cm
Yi YoujinWhite Monkey, 2022acrylic oil,oil pastel on canvas150 x 100 cm
Yi YoujinWild Boar, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite
on korean paper hanji /
mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm -
Yi YoujinWild Schwein, 2019charcoal on Korean paper Hanji200 x 135cm
Yi YoujinWoman with bathrobe, 2024acrylic, oil, oil pastel on Korean paper, mounted on canvas30 x 24 cm
Yi YoujinWomen Driver, 2021lacquer, acrylic, apoxie, iron,
polymer-clay30 x 17 x 13 cm -
Yi YoujinWorms, 2021oil, oil pastel, graphite
on korean paper
hanji / mounted on
canvas30 x 40 cm -
Yi YoujinYellow Pants, 2023pen, brush pen, oil pastel on paper25.5 x 18 cm
Yi YoujinZwei Stühle, 2011oil and coloured pencil on canvas90 x 80 cm